“Can We Make a Whiskey Worth Sharing?”

Like a great song, a great whiskey will resonate with you long after experiencing it.For Jason Jackson, singer/songwriter, both music and whiskey once impacted him simultaneously. "I was playing a show and drinking a glass of Knob Creek. I finished a song, took a sip, and thought "Damn, that is so good. I wonder if I could make that stuff." So, he did.
The next two years were spent experimenting with different grain profiles and combinations, mashing a couple times a week, and distilling on the weekends. Jackson then began to pass out samples to his two closest friends - Casey Ross and Eric Baldini - who were also whiskey aficionados. Casey and Eric were so impressed with the flavors of Jackson's experimental whiskies, they knew they wanted to create their own whiskey distillery.
The Evolution of Axe and the Oak’s Bottles
So, they did. Axe and the Oak Distillery was formally launched in 2013 by these three friends. After three months in the barrel, Axe and the Oak’s Colorado Mountain Bourbon Whiskey took Silver at the Denver International Spirits Competition. Since then, Axe and the Oak has gone on to win over 40 awards across the world.
Casey, Jason, and Eric are collectively driven by one principle: to build community. At the end of the day, one of the greatest joys in life is the stories shared over a great glass of whiskey with friends. That feeling is embedded into who we are and throughout Axe and the Oak's core mission, purpose, and vision.

Meet The Team

Who We Are
With dedicated hands, devoted hearts, diverse voices, and discerning palettes, Axe and the Oak Distillery creates the finest Colorado spirits for the crafting of life with friends.
Axe and the Oak is campfire for the crafting of community. A stage for the telling of stories. A table where everyone fits. We exist to make room for folks to slow down, listen, be heard, and discover that they are friends.
We see a world where nobody drinks alone, where stories are honestly told, trust is authentically given, welcome is freely offered, doors are widely opened, craft is lovingly celebrated, and our most prized product is the connection we enable among the people we encounter.
With dedicated hands, devoted hearts, diverse voices, and discerning palettes, we create the finest Colorado spirits for the crafting of a life with friends.
Core Values
We are the best when we are authentically open, willingly accountable, and profoundly committed to our work and to each other. We will bravely speak and boldly receive words that make us better.
We are made to be together - connected by our common mission and common humanity. We will uphold an environment of invitation, devoted to the integrity of our team and open to the entry of new faces.
We are each brimming with talent, experience, and creativity. We will expectantly receive the contributions of all our team, inviting collaboration, sharing knowledge, and prizing our diversity.
We know that progress takes understanding and that understanding requires patient listening. We will esteem the dignity of the moment, listening empathically to the words of our community, valuing their perspective, seeking mutual good.
As a craft distillery, the heart of our creative commitment is demonstrated in the work of our hands. We pledge ourselves to the pride and necessity of the process, integrally involved in every step, passionate for the product and the potential it provides.
We live our lives in our local communities - connected to it’s rhythms and movements. We will be a good neighbor to our home and the homes of our distributed states, carrying ourselves and conducting our work for the benefit of the neighborhood and city.